May 31, 2023 (Wed)
10:00 am Weed, CA
As we sit and sip coffee, we notice our neighbor (a long-term stayer) coming out and peering at the electrical connection. Since we’re connected to the same block, Robert heads outside to see what’s up.
Remember in the last Trip Log we mentioned that it seemed like the RV park was kind of an afterthought? Well, apparently, so was the electrical. Somehow or other, us being connected to the same post (although completely separate circuits) caused his connection to fry.
And we mean fry. There’s that lovely smell of burnt rubber and his plug-in is partly melted. Yikes! We quickly unplug and are grateful it wasn’t our cord that fried (we have no guilt around this as we didn’t use our microwave or the A/C). The cords are built-into the RV (you can’t just unplug one and plug in another) and as charming as Weed is, we wouldn’t want to spend a week here getting things fixed…
10:15 am Still Weed, CA
But as long as things are breaking…our heat no longer heats. The fan pushes air through the vents just fine, but it’s just outside air, with no extra BTUs added to it. *sigh*
Well, only a couple of days from home, and it’s not like we’re dealing with sub-artic air (it was all of 62 degrees inside Harvey, which after our weeks of 80 weather felt like the North Pole, which is why we turned on the heat). There is a slight chance that the heat quit working because we are low on propane (although our propane meter assures us that our propane over-floweth, we’ve learned that Harvey likes to play jokes from time-to-time).
10:30 am Yup, it’s Weed, CA
When we stayed in Gridley, we managed to eat at a different place each time we went out to eat—spreading our money around the town (there will be a bump in the Gridley GDP for this quarter!).
Here in Weed, we’ve managed to eat every meal at the same place—the Hi Lo Café, because it’s convenient and it’s the only game in town. The food is diner quality and the service is good.
11:30 am Hi Lo Café, Weed, CA
In keeping with our theme of “Things go Wrong” this morning, it takes about 45 minutes for our breakfast to arrive (and it’s not like we ordered gold-encrusted eggs benedict made with fresh Columbia river salmon).
Turns out there’s only one cook back there and he’s busier than a one-armed paper hanger (seems like there ought to be an updated version of this—Gini likes “busier than a pickpocket in a nudist camp”). Anyway, the manager has declared a one-hour holiday so the poor guy can get some lunch (cue the irony).
Since we’ve already gotten our breakfast, we’re all in favor of this!

Gini (left) and Harvey (right) at the Hi Lo Cafe
2:00 pm Seven Feathers Casino, Canyonville, OR
If this place sounds familiar, it’s because we stayed here on the way down. This is the casino run by the Cow Creek Tribe.
Read all about it:
This is by far one of the nicest parks (if not the nicest park) we’ve stayed in with Harvey. This is the park that Robert’s doc in Fresno really liked, and it turns out that pretty much every RVer we talk to knows about it and thinks it’s great. (It’s also a big hit with the truck drivers—there’s a truck area that has 50 to 100 truck parking spaces.)
Last time, we were kind of at the far end of the park. This time, we get a spot that’s 50 paces from the pool, and near the showers, and across from the fire pits. Woo hoo! And it’s still gorgeous as ever.

That’s the pool practically next door to Harvey
4:00 pm Seven Feathers Casino
Gini proclaims that the pool and hot tub are Mighty Fine and we head off to the Casino for dinner.
7:30 pm Fire pits
The fire pits have big signs saying that you shouldn’t make your own fire. Only Staff Persons Shall Start Fires. They even keep the wood locked up so we don’t get any ideas.
Which kind of lead us to believe that there were certified Fire Starters on staff, trained in 27 different ways to start a fire and ready to rub two sticks together if that’s what it took.
Turns out it’s one guy who is figuring it out as he goes along. He’s got paper kindling, but that didn’t work so good. Robert suggested gasoline and he followed Robert’s suggestion (which gives you some idea of how desperate he was). This lasted until he set fire to the gas can (but calmly put it out before the can melted).

Casino Staff working at making a fire just for us
Bless his heart, he stuck with it, and by the time night fell, we had a brisk and lovely fire blazing away. The temperatures were in the upper 50’s so it was just perfect.

Our heroes enjoying the fire pit
June 1, 2023 (Thu)
10:00 am Seven Feathers Casino
We had such a good time yesterday that we decide to stay an extra day here. It’ll mean two three-hour driving days to get home, but it’ll all be I-5 driving, so we can split the driving chores.
We enjoy a day of swimming and hot tubbing and using the showers and having dinner at the casino steak house (very tasty!).

Gini on the walking path
We even have another outdoor fire, with the same guy building this fire. He’s gotten over the learning curve, however, and before Robert can say “Maybe you need to use higher octane gasoline,” he’s got a roaring fire going.
Ah, a nice relaxing day…

Wednesday Travel
Gini & Robert
Harvey Staff